Our Papua New Guinea Purosa is grown by several thousand small farmers in the Purosa region at high altitudes, planted amongst natural canopy trees within the jungles of Papua New Guinea. T
The majority of the Papua New Guinea Purosa farmers grow their coffee in small gardens within their tribal villages, which for centuries have largely kept intact their individual languages and customs.
Some of the coffee trees which produce our Papua New Guinea Purosa are 25+ years old, producing less fruited cherries, but also a higher sugar content than younger crops, which of course translates to a sweeter and more complex cup.
Tasting Notes: Cane sugar sweetness, medium acidity and creamy body with sweet caramel overtones and a slight cocoa note on the finish.
Producer: | Small Farm Holders of the Eastern Highlands |
Region: | Eastern Highlands: Ivangoi, Purosa & Okapa Valleys |
Variety: | Bourbon, Typica Hybrids |
Processing: | Washed |
Altitude: | 2,000 - 5,000 ft (600 - 1500m) |
Coffee Grading: | A/X |
Harvest: | Year Round, Peak May - July |
Origin Story:
Coffee was first introduced to Papua New Guinea in the early part of the 20th Century; a rather late arrival when compared to neighboring islands. Coffee is deeply embedded within the cultural fabric of Papua New Guinea, where the coffee tree itself is often referred to as the money tree, and coffee beans act as a de facto currency, typically traded amongst the people as a staple commodity in exchange for virtually anything.
Incredibly Papua New Guinea farms can accommodate two crop cycles per year due to its famously mineral-rich, volcanic topsoil and jungle climate. We have traveled the world over in our search for amazing coffee and it is our opinion that the farms in Papua New Guinea have the best soil, climate and overall growing conditions that we have ever seen—regardless of crop, if you plant the seeds, they’ll grow! Somehow Papua New Guinea coffees have flown under the radar of American specialty coffee purveyors, although we suspect this will not be the case for much longer.